Faith Christian University
School Name: Faith Christian University
Headmaster: Justin Crocker
Number of Students: 50 (with 100 expected in 2007)
Number of Teachers:  
Grades Served: College level
Curriculum: English, Math, Bible Study, History
Information About School:

Founded in 2005. At full capacity, FCU will provide education for 10,000 Haitians. This goal is many years off, but the foundation has been laid for a good future.

Unique Problems/Needs:

Hearts for the Hungry provides 1 meal a day for the university students. The students provide service back to the University in return for this meal. Haitian Syudents pay $480.00 USD per year for tuition, room, board and books. This is a large sum for Haitians and Faith Christian University. FCU is seeking people to sponsor a student in full or part of this sum. 



Sponsor a student - $140 per year