Bohoc Primary School
School Name: Bohoc Primary School
Location: Town of Bohoc
Headmaster: Pastor Merone Dieugrand
Number of Students: 80
Number of Teachers: 5
Grades Served: Primary – kindergarten to 6th
Curriculum: English, Math, Bible Study, History, English, (in secondary grades)
Information About School:

This school serves 80 students in a very small open area. The structure is part thatch roof and part tin roof, with thatch sides.

Unique Problems/Needs:

The students in this region face extreme hunger due to dry conditions. Students need shoes – youth sizes. Younger children often will go barefoot and face walks up to 5 miles to school each way. The school has land for growing crops, but has poor growing conditions due to dry conditions – seeds like beans and corn are helpful. Chickens which produce eggs for teachers are always helpful to add protein to their diet.



Sponsor a student - $140 per year