Baptiste Armee Du Christ Sarepta
School Name: Baptiste Armee Du Christ Sarepta
Location: Town of Bohoc
Headmaster: Romain Withy
Number of Students: 160
Number of Teachers: 8
Grades Served: Primary – 7th and 8th. Will add 9th grade in 2007
Curriculum: English, Math, Bible Study, History, English, (in secondary grades)
Information About School:

Most students attending this remote school will walk between 3-5 miles. In addition to the Haitian teachers this school is also served by American Missionary Barb Howard. The school is impossible to access during rainy seasons due to the road crossing 3 rivers and the very poor condition of the roads. Access at other times depends on weekly conditions that could change with weather.

Unique Problems/Needs:

Remote access, extreme hunger in this region, parents cannot afford to pay teachers, teachers have school supply needs- especially paper. Headmaster Withy would like soccer balls to add a sports curriculum. Uniforms are made by parents who are supplied the fabric. Each student has one uniform that is prized by the student. Students need shoes. Boys and girls adult sizes are most helpful. Younger children often will go barefoot. Seeds for plants like corn and beans are needed. The school has land for growing crops. Chickens for teachers are always helpful.

This area is very dry and crops are difficult to grow.



Sponsor a student - $140 per year